Judul Website: Muslim Bisnis dan Teknologi
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Visi: Terciptanya masyarakat yang berpangetahuan luas dalam bidang agama, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan bangkitnya perekonomian umat yang berlandaskan syariat Islam.
1. Menyajikan berbagai artikel Ilmu Pengetahuan, Informasi Umum dan sekitar permasalahan Agama
2. Selalu mengikuti perkembangan Ilmu pengetahuan dan Teknologi
3. Memberdayakan seluruh komponen masyarakat untuk membangun perekonomian umat.
4. Menarik para investor dan pelaku bisnis untuk bergabung dalam bisnis yang berdasarkah syariah Islam.
5. Memberikan kursus - kursus dan pelatihan kepada generasi muda.
Tujuan: Mewujudkan masyarakat adil makmur dan bernuansa Islami.
Curriculum Vitae
Full Name :Imam Ma’ruf, S.Pd
islamic designer at bookstore al aqiq riyadl KSA
computer technician at bookstore al aqiq riyadl KSA
chasier at bookstore al aqiq riyadl KSA
Personal Details:
Name : Imam Ma’ruf
Occupation : Teacher
Date of Birth : February 05th , 1984
Place of Birth : Ponorogo
Permanent Address : Imam Bonjol Street Number 54 Payaman Nganjuk East Java.
Sex/ Gender : Male
Marital Status : Single
Religion : Islam
Height : 167 cm
Weight : 56 kg
Contact Number : 00966530019021
E-mail Address : / /
Family Details:
Educational Details
1. 2004 to 2008
Name of college : Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) PGRI Nganjuk
Program of Study : Mathematic Education
Location & Country : Abdul Rahman Saleh Street Number
Course/ Degree Name : Sarjana Pendidikan S I
2. 1999 to 2003
Name of school : Madrasah Aliyah Pondok Modern “Darul Ihsan” Payaman Nganjuk East Java
Program of Study : Social Science
Location & Country :Imam Bonjol street number 54 Payaman Nganjuk
3. 1996 to 1999
Name of school : M.Ts Negeri Jetis Ponorogo
Location & Country : Josari Jetis Ponorogo East Java Indonesia
Employment History,
1. 06/ 2006 to this time
Employer/ Company name : Photocopy service and Stationery “CV. Cahaya Baru”
Address : Imam Bonjol Street Number 70 Payaman, Nganjuk, East Java
Country : Indonesia
Position / Job Title : Shopkeeper and Photocopy machine operator.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Responsible for giving a good service to the customer.
Responsible for operating the photocopy machine properly
2. 07/ 2003 to 07/ 2008
Employer/ Company name : MTs. A Islamic Modern Boarding School “Darul Ihsan”
Address : Imam Bonjol Street Number 54 Payaman Nganjuk East Java
Country : Indonesia
Position / Job Title : Vice of Director/ Chief of Islamic Modern Boarding School “Darul Ihsan” in Curriculum section or instruction section
Duties and responsibilities:
Making the planning of instruction section program.
Dividing the planning of instruction section program to each teachers.
Making the schedule of teaching and learning.
Arranging the schedule of courses.
Controlling the teaching and learning process.
Reason for leaving:
Whishing for a new experience.
Looking for a better salary to get capital for building a new business or employment.
3. 07/ 2000 to 07/ 2003
Employer/ Company name : Rias Pengantin “Salon Asri”
Address : Imam Bonjol Street Number 127 Payaman Nganjuk East Java
Telp. Number : Home (0358) 329660 HP.081803034789
Country : Indonesia
Position / Job Title : Staff of Decorating stage section
Duties and responsibilities :
Decorating the stage at the marriage ceremony or party.
Decorating the park in front of the stage
Decorating the bride and bridegroom room.
Reason for leaving:
Whishing for a new experience.
Continuing the study to the higher degree.
4. 07/ 1999 to 07/ 2000
Employer/ Company name : Rental dan Jasa Pengetikan Komputer.
Address : Begadung Nganjuk East Java
Country : Indonesia
Position / Job Title : Shopkeeper and typist
Duties and responsibilities:
Responsible for giving a good service to the customer.
Responsible for typing the customer order as good as possible.
Responsible for selling the spare part of computer.
Reason for leaving:
Looking for a new experience.
Continuing the study to the higher degree.
Have skilled many languages in conversation:
1. Indonesia language
Level of ability: good
Speaks fluently above average
2. English language
Level of ability: enough
Speaks fluently about daily conversation
3. Arabic language
Level of ability: good
Speaks fluently above average.
Professionals skills and experiences:
1. Skilled in operating photocopy machine properly, consistently, efficiently.
2. Has good ability to work individually or in-group.
3. Has become accustomed to work even indoor / in the office or out door.
4. Knowledgeable, hard working, carefully, and has a good sense of pride and
5. Knowledgeable about teaching and learning experience especially in mathematic lesson.
6. Knowledgeable about Microsoft Windows and skilled well in operating Microsoft office application (Microsoft Word, Excel and Power point).
Training and certificated:
Has taken computer course about
• Microsoft Office ( Microsoft word , Microsoft excel, M. Power point)
• computer design.
• Computer technician
mobile number: 00966530019021
office phone number : 0096614850321
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